Man is a creature of habit. We all may have experienced in our own lives at one stage or the other we get so accustomed to the habits we develop over a period of time and can’t get rid of some despite knowing that they are bad habits. It is not an easy task to get out of those not so useful habits just as quickly as you can develop them. Doing an action repeatedly will develop eventually into a habit. That action is the one that drives your good or bad habits, so the first action or the few first actions albeit hard can be developed over a period of time. This process of developing good habits is just not limited to writing discipline alone, but is applicable to absolutely any focus area.
A few steps to achieve this discipline
- Keep a realistic and achievable goal: As a very first step, we have to start noting down what a realistic or achievable goal is for you. This varies at Individual level. So, sit down and think what that would be for you and make sure you write it down at some place so you will be able to revisit.
- Progress in smaller chunks: Now that you have the first realistic goal, go ahead and start marching towards achieving that goal. Basically putting yourself into action in the direction of the goal you have set for yourself. Don’t fret if you are unable to progress even at the level of 50% because, even a 10% progress is still a progress. You will slowly get there.
- Track your progress: After allowing some time to wiggle and adjust yourself, track your progress. Note down the numbers. Is the progress showing completion of 50% or 80% or even 10%?
- Increase or decrease your goal: Based on the percentages achieved; revisit the goals set in the beginning and try to gauge. Now, set them based on the progress you are able to make, so they become more ownable and achievable.
- Develop the final goal and schedule: It could be writing 1000 words a day or 3000 words or day or even just 200 words a day. That is one example, you could also develop schedule around your marketing/social networking or researching for your book. The homework that needs be done should be accounted and incorporated into your schedule.
- Write down and stick to it: Wow, you have reached the final step. Write down and make details around your final schedule and stick to it. Try your best to keep up to your schedule as much possible, of course we all have our down times and days that are not as energetic as the others, but you can cover up later. Having a schedule is the most important step to a successful writing career.
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